Reverso Corporate solutions; terms of use

Definition of terms

Reverso is a trademark of Reverso SAS and stands for a range of translation and linguistic products and services, available online and as mobile apps. Reverso products can consist of interfaces, data and a set of "translation engines" or additional linguistic technologies such as voice to text, conversion of image to text, text to speech, file conversion.

“Translation engine” : means a software program or API that allows to transform a text written in a language in a text written in another language.

The term 'Owner' designates any legal entity which holds copyright on a software product. The term 'Publisher' designates any legal entity holding licensing, publishing and distribution rights on a software product. The term 'Host' designates any legal entity which makes a content (texts, images, sounds or videos) and/or specific services available to Intranet Users. Licensee means the company, entity or person that concluded a contract with Reverso to either access the service or to receive a license for installation on its servers. The term 'User' designates any person who has access to the online translation service through the Intranet or Internet network, usually the employee of the Licensee.

When the software is used in SaaS mode, the “Host” is Reverso, when used in “on-premise” mode, the host is the Licensee.

The term 'Document' refers to a text, an image, a sound, a video or any combination of the previous elements.

  1. Object of the contract
  2. The present contract defines the terms of use of the online translation service offered by the Host to the Users using software from the Publisher.

  3. Property rights, licensing and use
  4. Reverso is the publisher, designer, author and owner of the pages, interface and features linked to the software product and online translation service Reverso.

    The interface and all its components, methods, designs are the exclusive property of Reverso. Translation engines and other components are the property of Reverso and various other publishers : enquire to have more precision if you need it, based on the modules and the various languages used.

    Translation engines and associated dictionaries are, according to the languages, versions and domains, the individual or collective property of the companies Reverso, Bowne, LEC, LogoVista, Targumatik, Otek, PROMT LLC.. All rights reserved. Software is protected by the international laws on copyright, applicable in all the countries having signed the international agreements on copyright.

    This Software or Service may use access and API to the translation software Promt Internet Translation Server version 3.0 or Promt Translation Server 10 to 19 (software) under the license of PROMT (St. Petersburg, Russia,, developer and sole owner of the software.

    The trademark Reverso® belongs to Reverso SAS, 5 rue Soyer, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France and is protected internationally.

    The User is allowed to use the online translation service for his personal needs only and not to give access or to provide the service to other people. The online translation service does correspond neither to a transfer of property right, nor to a license for Reverso Intranet software or its components.

  5. Copyright of documents and translations
  6. Before submitting a document to the online translation service, the User has to make sure that he is allowed to do so. He has to be either the author of the document, or to have written authorization from the copyright holder. Neither the Host nor the Publisher would be held responsible if this clause is not complied with.

    The User acknowledges the fact that the translated document constitutes a new document, jointly owned by the author of the original document and the Publisher. The translation obtained with the online translation service partakes of both the author's original text and specific choices made by the Publisher's software product regarding analysis, conversion and translation of words, expressions and sentences. As a consequence, the User is not allowed to publish the translations without a written preliminary agreement from the Publisher or the Host, who himself would have been granted with the same right by the Publisher. The use of the translation for commercial purposes requires a preliminary agreement from the Host and\or the Publisher.

  7. User undertakings
  8. The User undertakes to use the online translation service according to the laws in force in his country, in the Host's country (France) and according to all the clauses of this contract.

    The User undertakes not to modify the interface of the service which is the property of the Host, nor to integrate the service in its current version into another service, whether for free or profit.

    The User undertakes not use the content of the online translation service without using its complete user interface, to hide any logo or copyright, to provide the service to unauthorized users or users outside of the scope of license. The result of the process should only be used by the end user that provided the original data and should not be reproduced or given access to other users.

    The User undertakes not to use the service to translate documents which can engage the responsibility of their authors (contracts, medical or technical documents, legal documents).

    The User undertakes to make sure that the documents submitted to the service do not contain any kind of software virus, malware or do not exceed the size that is accepted by the service.

  9. Host and publisher limited responsibility
  10. The online translation service is supplied "as is".

    The Publisher and the Host do not guarantee that the online translation service can satisfy Users' needs, or that even the translations obtained through Reverso meet their requirements in term of quality of translation, preservation of layout, speed or other.

    The responsibility of the Host as for the accessibility of the service is limited to the interface between the software product Reverso and the User. The Host will accept no responsibility in case of breakdown of the Intranet network or any other reasons beyond his control. The Host does not guarantee that the service is available to meet all Users' requests.

    The User is solely responsible for determining the quality, validity and legality of the translations obtained thanks to the service, which he can use for personal purposes, and according to article 3 of this contract. The Publisher and the Host cannot be held responsible for misuse of the translations and their consequences, such as, among others but not limited to commercial or other losses and any other consequences.

    The Host and Publisher do not keep any personal data. Reverso does not store any information concerning translations performed except for anonymous statistics or quality analysis sampling, when requested by the Licensee.

  11. Online help, comments and user's suggestions
  12. A short but sufficient online help regarding the features offered by the Service is provided to the Users by the Host. Neither the Publisher nor the Host are bound to provide the User with technical support by any means (mail, e-mail, phone).

    If the Host, in agreement with the Publisher, allows the User to give his opinion on the service and/or the software product, the validation by the User of the form de facto leads to the transfer of his copyright on all his comments or suggestions. The User thus gives up taking legal actions regarding commercial use of these comments / suggestions. Neither the Host nor the Publisher are under any obligation to take into account the comments made by the User, or to meet specially his requests.

  13. Acceptance of the contract
  14. By launching a translation or using the service by any other means the User accepts all the terms of the contract, without any limitation. If not, he should not use the online translation service.

  15. Applicable law
  16. The User is considered to accept these terms and conditions as soon as he/she launches a translation by entering a text or uploading a file.

    The clauses of this contract may be modified from time to time, but without advance notice. The Host thus invites the User to view frequently this page.

    This contract is governed by the French law. In case of dispute concerning its interpretation and/or its execution, only French courts will be competent.

    The duration of this contract is bound to the duration of use of the translations supplied by the service.